At the Qualcomm Snapdragon For India event, the chipmaker announced its Snapdragon 4s Gen 2 System on Chip (SoC). The company further shared that Xiaomi will be the first smartphone maker to use the SoC in its budget smartphones.?
Also Read:Qualcomm and Microsoft unveil the Snapdragon Dev Kit for next-gen AI PCs
India is a key location for the electronics giant, where it also runs a Qualcomm Design in India Program (QDIP).
Also Read:Qualcomm India expands presence in Chennai with new design centre
Also Read: Qualcomm announces Snapdragon 4s Gen 2 5G processor for entry level smartphones
“Our India offices specialize in wireless modem and multimedia software, DSP and embedded applications, and digital media networking solutions. Here, we are redefining the mobile experience and enabling new generations of increasingly powerful mobile devices while hosting one of the largest IP design centers in the world,” said Qualcomm about the country on its website.