Intel introduced its new Core Ultra 200V series processors, code-named Lunar Lake, which are meant to power AI PCs and support up to a 50% leap in graphics performance while drawing up to 40% less power than their predecessor, according to the company.
Intel said it was looking to focus on “thin-and-light laptops and more tablet-like fanless devices.”
Lunar Lake is based on the concept of turning on small bits of the necessary chip, carrying out functions quickly, and turning off activated hardware as soon as possible to save battery, per the company.
The system uses a mixture of what are called Efficient-cores or E-cores, as well as Performance-cores or P-cores, with the latter handling heavier loads and then shutting down immediately. This comes into play when Lunar Lake is running on battery power.
“It’s a processor to power AI PC laptops that draws as much as 40% less power than its predecessor, which itself was a radical re-architecture focused on efficiency. The new Core Ultra delivers several more hours of battery life — and, critically, similarly large gains in performance, graphics and AI,” said Intel in an official post.
Intel announced Lunar Lake after Qualcomm launched the new Snapdragon X Elite processor, while AMD released the Ryzen AI chipset.
The first laptops from the series will be available on September 24, reported tech outlet The Verge.