Bodies of two missing Indian Coast Guard (ICG) personnel were recovered on Wednesday (September 4, 2024) while the search continues for a third missing man. The three were crew members on a Dhruv Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH) that crashed at sea off the Gujarat coast on Monday night.
The two personnel whose bodies have been recovered have been identified as Commandant Vipin Babu, and diver Karan Singh. The search continues for the missing pilot, and Commanding Officer, Rakesh Rana, ICG sources said.
The ALH, with four personnel onboard, ditched at sea off the Gujarat coast as it approached an Indian flagged motor tanker Hari Leela, about 45 km from Porbandar, for a medical evacuation in response to a request received from the master of the vessel. Four ships and two aircraft began a search operation. One man was recovered immediately, and the wreckage of the helicopter was located.
The rescued man Gautam Kumar is in hospital. The same ALH flew multiple sorties and saved 67 lives during recent cyclonic weather in Gujarat. As a precaution, ICG has grounded all the ALHs in its fleet for checks.
Published - September 04, 2024 08:58 am IST