Telangana Revenue Minister Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy monitored the relief efforts in the flood-affected colonies in Khammam rural mandal and elsewhere in the Palair Assembly constituency for the fourth consecutive day on Thursday (September 5, 2024).
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He visited Karunagiri, Jalagamnagar, Rajiv Gruhakalpa and several other colonies and villages in Khammam rural mandal on a bike to supervise the implementation of relief measures. He assured the people in flood-affected areas that ?10,000 compensation will be deposited in their bank accounts by Friday evening. He said that in addition to the ongoing distribution of food packets, the PSR Trust set up in the name of his parents will start distributing rice, essential commodities, clothes and bed sheets to the people in flood-affected areas in Palair Assembly constituency.
Published - September 06, 2024 12:11 pm IST