Tamil Nadu Congress Committee (TNCC) president K. Selvaperunthagai?and Pattali Makkal Katchi (PMK) founder S. Ramadoss on Friday (September 6, 2024) called for action against those responsible for conducting a ‘spiritual’ event at a government school in Ashok Nagar in Chennai.
In a statement, Mr. Selvaperunthagai sought for a probe against persons who permitted the guest speaker to reportedly preach “unscientific thoughts about past life.” He said “I strongly condemn the speaker for attempting to evoke specific religious sentiments on the lines of Sanatana. Attempts by divisive forces to enter into the State in the name of religion and God cannot be accepted.”
Strict action must be taken against those involved, and the School Education Department must ensure that such incidents did not happen anywhere in Tamil Nadu in the future, he said.
Mr. Ramadoss said action must be taken against those responsible for organising the event irrespective of the position they held and urged for the arrest of the speaker who allegedly made the unscientific statements.
Dravidar Kazhagam (DK) leader K. Veeramani, meanwhile, welcomed the State government’s swift action in the matter and said it was important for the government, Education Department, teachers, educationalists, parents, and social organisations to be aware and vigilant about such incidents.
Published - September 06, 2024 02:35 pm IST