Nitish Kumar-led NDA won the crucial floor test in Bihar, with the opposition members walking out and all 129 members seated in the House voting in favour of the confidence motion..?
Despite all 79 MLAs of the Opposition Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) camping at the residence of former Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Yadav, three MLAs switched sides and were found seated with the NDA.?
The Speaker, who had earlier said that he would not step down before the floor test, was removed from the Chair after the ruling combine won a no-confidence motion against him. Deputy Speaker conducted the remaining proceedings.?
Also Read | Ahead of trust vote, Bihar politics abuzz with rumours of cross-voting, shaky allegiances
The total strength of the Bihar Assembly is 243 and a party or alliance needs the support of at least 122 MLAs to prove its majority.?
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