Light showers of rain lashed parts of the national capital early on Friday. According to the IMD, intermittent showers are likely in Delhi till August 5. Heavy rainfall unleashed chaos in the national capital on Wednesday evening, inundating large parts of the city with a 22-year-old woman and her toddler drowning in Ghazipur, while key stretches were choked with unending traffic and people left stranded as roads resembled rivers.
Read | Three dead as heavy rain lashes Delhi, leaving roads waterlogged, buildings damaged
Meanwhile, Heavy rains severely damaged the route in the Rudraprayag district on Wednesday night. The rescue and relief work to evacuate the people stranded is underway. According to the Uttarakhand police, as many as 737 people were rescued by helicopter and at least 2,670 people were taken to Sonprayag by the relief forces as of Thursday.?
Read | Schools closed, roads flooded as heavy evening rainfall brings Delhi to its knees
Five people were killed and over 45 missing following several incidents of cloudburst in Himachal Pradesh where rains washed away many houses, bridges and roads, officials said on Thursday.?
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