Tamil Nadu School Education Minister Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi unveiled the DLearners’ 3R Lab at Holy Angels Anglo Indian Higher Secondary School in T. Nagar, Chennai, on Thursday (September 5, 2024) on the occasion of Teachers’ Day.
The theme of the event was ‘Empowering teachers to uncover every child’s potential’.
The 3R Lab is designed to enhance foundational skills in reading, writing, and arithmetic among students with specific learning disabilities (SLD) through online remedial techniques, a press release said.
“The 3R Lab provides a specialised environment where every child, especially those with learning difficulties, can thrive,” it said.
In his inaugural address, Mr. Poyyamozhi said, “Even I suffered with learning difficulties... Instead of inducing an inferiority complex, their doubts and feelings must be acknowledged and validated.”
“To ensure children do not turn away from education, they are identified and knowledge is shared through innovative measures [by DLearners]... Teachers are the architects of our future, guiding students to discover their own capabilities.”Anbil Mahesh PoyyamozhiSchool Education Minister
The School Education Department has an app – Malarkeni – that has videos and resources explaining each subject, specifically to help students from classes I to XII, he added.
DLearners is a platform with online solutions, developed by Blink Foundation and Blink Research and Services, to offer personalised support to over 3,000 students in seven states and 62 government schools across India, the release stated.
Blink Foundation founder Arun Fernandez said, “The 3R Lab is designed to give teachers online teaching resources they need via our DLearners platform to help every student reach their full potential,” he said.
According to the release, the lab was set up by DLearners and Vanguard Logistics with the support of Microsoft.
Published - September 06, 2024 04:32 pm IST