Telangana Prohibition and Excise Enforcement department officials busted an ice cream parlor in Jubilee Hills for selling whiskey-infused gelato ice cream to customers on Friday (September 6, 2024). Officials seized 11.5 kilograms of the illicit product from ‘Ariko Cafe’, located on Road Number 1 of Jubilee Hills.
The officer in-charge of the operation, Excise Superintendent Pradeep Rao said that the cafe was under the management of ‘Bagel Brigade Foods LLP’, who are into preparing bagels, doughnuts etc. “However, we found them selling gelato ice cream with a whiskey base. Selling alcohol by lacing it in a dish and selling it as ‘food’ is a violation of the Excise Act,” he explained, adding that other establishments following this tactic will be checked upon.?
Ariko Cafe was allegedly mixed 60 milliliters of 100 Pipers whiskey into each kilogram of ice cream and sold it at a premium price. A case has been registered against the parlor, and further investigation is underway.?
Published - September 06, 2024 04:33 pm IST