Adult Swim has finally unveiled the first trailer for its highly anticipated anime adaptation of Junji Ito’s iconic horror manga Uzumaki. After years of delays, the four-episode series from Production I.G. (Ghost in the Shell) is set to premiere on September 28, bringing Ito’s haunting spiral-themed horror to life.
Uzumaki follows high school student Kirie Goshima as her small town becomes consumed by a mysterious and terrifying obsession with spiral patterns. What starts as an eerie curiosity soon transforms into grotesque body horror, with the spirals driving the townspeople into madness. The anime’s distinct black-and-white visual style pays homage to the intricate linework of Ito’s original manga, enhancing the eerie and unsettling atmosphere.
Initially slated for release in 2020, Uzumaki faced numerous setbacks, including a year-long delay caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In a recent interview, Uzumaki executive producer Jason DeMarco reflected on the challenging production, saying, “The pandemic completely stopped production... It was very challenging to bring the show back from the dead.”
DeMarco also revealed that longtime Adult Swim collaborator Flying Lotus suggested the anime’s black-and-white CG animation to better capture the horror of Ito’s manga. “Nagahama [the director]... was thrilled I suggested it,” DeMarco explained, adding that this artistic choice created significant production hurdles, but the end result “looks terrific.”
Published - September 06, 2024 12:23 pm IST