Prime Video has announced the premiere date for its upcoming Tamil Original comedy-drama series Thalaivettiyaan Paalayam. Directed by Naga of Marmadesam and Ramany vs Ramany?fame, the series, said to be the Tamil remake of the platform’s hit Hindi series Panchayat, is written by Balakumaran Murugesan.
The eight-episode series is produced by The Viral Fever (TVF). The cast includes Abishek Kumar, Chetan Kadambi, Devadarshini, Niyathi, Anand Sami, and Paul Raj in pivotal roles. Thalaivettiyaan Paalayam is set to premiere on Prime Video on September 20 in Tamil, with subtitles in English.?
According to a synopsis, “The comedy-drama series follows Sidharth (Abishek Kumar), an engineering graduate from Chennai, who reluctantly takes on a job far outside his comfort zone as a secretary in the remote village of Thalaivettiyaan Paalayam. As he navigates the quirks of rural life and its eccentric villagers, he finds himself caught up in a comedy of errors full of twists and turns.”
“The ever-evolving tastes and preferences of our diverse audience drive us to expand our local language content with authentic, relatable, and engaging stories. Collaborating with longstanding partners like TVF, who share our vision of delivering fresh, innovative, and rooted narratives, we are excited to present the Tamil Original comedy-drama Thalaivettiyaan Paalayam. Written by Balakumaran Murugesan, this series brings a delightful blend of humour with heartwarming moments through a simple yet gripping narrative, making it an irresistibly binge-worthy entertainer. With its authentic rural charm and universal themes of community dynamics, brought to life by an exceptionally versatile ensemble cast, it is sure to captivate audiences,” said Manish Menghani, Director of Content Licensing at Prime Video India. “We are confident that Thalaivettiyaan Paalayam will engage viewers not just in Tamil Nadu, but across India and worldwide.”
Published - September 06, 2024 12:18 pm IST